Pokémon Korosu GBA Rom Hacks Update Play on iPhone & Android
Pokémon Korosu GBA Rom Hacks has a lot to offer. This rom also features many new sprites and includes all of the Pokémon from Generations I to VI. It also features a unique storyline. A good ROM hack for Pokémon is the one that offers you all of the content of the original game. Just remember to use the best version for your device. It will make your gaming experience even more enjoyable!
If you’re a fan of the classic FireRed game, Pokemon Korosu is the perfect hack. The game is highly polished, with beautiful graphics and a rich storyline that takes the player back to the original version of the game. If you are a fan of the FireRed series, Pokemon KOROSU is a great ROM hack for the FireRed games. If you want to get the full Pokemon experience, this is the one to download.
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Table of Contents
Pokemon Korosu Things You Should Know
Pokemon Korosu is a revenge story that is similar to the first game and is set in the sevii islands and the Kanto region. The game features various generations of pokemon and is also suitable for a mature audience. It is a dark and violent game that contains some bad language and profanity. You can play this rom for free and enjoy a full version of Pokemon on your gba.
Pokemon Korosu is a very popular game that can be played using a GBA4iOS emulator. This rom is free to download and can be played on your iPhone. The main character of this game is a woman who was kidnapped and has been forced to live a life of slavery. However, her rescue is made possible with the help of her friends and family. This Pokemon rom has a lot of other features that make it a popular choice for many gamers.
Pokemon Korosu GBA Rom Hacks Update
Pokemon Korosu is a GBA ROM hack based on the popular Pokemon Fire Red. It tells the story of a young girl who is kidnapped and is destined for a life of human slavery. She escapes with the help of her friends and sets out to get her revenge. The game has over 40 hours of gameplay and features numerous different enemies. You can choose your team and play through the game as the main character, a hero, or a villain.
Another feature of Pokemon Korosu is its complex story. You will be woken up in a cave with your friends and Pokemon. You will notice that they are missing. You can’t see them at all. Eventually, you will notice a man with the letter “R” on his shirt and try to stop him. You will have to be careful and avoid a trap. You will not want to get caught.
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Features Of Pokemon Korosu ROM
Following are the important features of pokemon Korosu GBA rom cheats
- Nice collection of graphics.
- Sound System is perfect.
- The storyline is completely based on Revenge.
- Having some new pokemon from different Gen.
- The difficulty level of the game is increased.
- The new type of characters.
- Physical and Special Split.
Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheat Rom Graphics
When it comes to graphics, Pokemon Korosu Download Zip gba is incredible. Because the game’s author incorporated several new pieces and background effects throughout development. There are some familiar faces within the cast, as well as some newcomers. All of the fight effects are fantastic because they are both unique and appealing this time around.
Full List of Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats
Legendary Pokemon Modifier
Master Code
- 000014D1 000A
- 1003DAE6 0007
Legendary Pokemon Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 83007CEE + Legendary pokemon code
- Example for Zapdos: 83007CEE 0091
- Articuno > 0090
- Zapdos > 0091
- Moltres > 0092
- Dratini > 0093
- Dragonair > 0094
- Dragonite > 0095
- Mewtwo > 0096
- Jirachi >0199
- Regirock >0191
- Regice >0192
- Registeel >0193
- Groudon >0195
- Mew > 0097
- Deoxys > 019A
- Entei > 00F4
- Lugia > 00F9
- Ho-oh > 00FA
- Rayquaza > 0196
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No Random Encounters
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- D41DD0CA 33A629E5
- 8E883EFF 92E9660D
Shiny Pokemon (Encounters)
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 1670047D 04815C68
- 18452A7D DDE55BCC
Pokemart Items cost $1
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 3C25A344 FD8F451C
- AD86124F 2823D8DA
Walk through walls
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 509197D3 542975F4
- 78DA95DF 44018CB4
Wild Pokemon Modifier
Master Code:
- 000014D1 000A
- 1003DAE6 0007
Wild Pokemon Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 83007CEE + Pokemon code
- Example for Venusaur: 83007CEE 0003
0001 = Bulbasaur
0002 = Ivysaur
0003 = Venusaur
0004 = Charmander
0005 = Charmeleon
0006 = Charizard
0007 = Squirtle
0008 = Wartortle
0009 = Blastoise
000A = Caterpie
000B = Metapod
000C = Butterfree
000D = Weedle
000E = Kakuna
000F = Beedrill
0010 = Pidgey
0011 = Pidgeotto
0012 = Pidgeot
0013 = Rattata
0014 = Raticate
0015 = Spearow
0016 = Fearow
0017 = Ekans
0018 = Arbok
0019 = Pikachu
001A = Raichu
001B = Sandshrew
001C = Sandslash
001D = Nidoran
001E = Nidorina
001F = Nidoqueen
0020 = Nidoran
0021 = Nidorino
0022 = Nidoking
0023 = Clefairy
0024 = Clefable
0025 = Vulpix
0026 = Ninetails
0027 = Jigglypuff
0028 = Wigglytuff
0029 = Zubat
002A = Golbat
002B = Oddish
002C = Gloom
002D = Vileplume
002E = Paras
002F = Parasect
0030 = Venonat
0031 = Venomoth
0032 = Diglett
0033 = Dugtrio
0034 = Meowth
0035 = Persian
0036 = Psyduck
0037 = Golduck
0038 = Mankey
0039 = Primeape
003A = Growlithe
003B = Arcanine
003C = Poliwag
003D = Poliwhirl
003E = Poliwrath
003F = Abra
0040 = Kadabra
0041 = Alakazam
0042 = Machop
0043 = Machoke
0044 = Machamp
0045 = Bellsprout
0046 = Weepinbell
0047 = Victreebel
0048 = Tentacool
0049 = Tentacruel
004A = Geodude
004B = Graveler
004C = Golem
004D = Ponyta
004E = Rapidash
004F = Slowpoke
0050 = Slowbro
0051 = Magnemite
0052 = Magneton
0053 = Farfetch’d
0054 = Doduo
0055 = Dudrio
0056 = Seel
0057 = Dewgong
0058 = Grimer
0059 = Muk
005A = Shellder
005B = Cloyster
005C = Gastly
005D = Haunter
005E = Gengar
005F = Onix
0060 = Drowzee
0061 = Hypno
0062 = Krabby
0063 = Kingler
0064 = Voltorb
0065 = Electrode
0066 = Exeggecute
0067 = Exeggutor
0068 = Cubone
0069 = Marowak
006A = Hitmonlee
006B = Hitmonchan
006C = Lickitung
00D6 = Koffing
006E = Weezing
006F = Rhyhorn
0070 = Rhydon
0071 = Chansey
0072 = Tangela
0073 = Kangaskhan
0074 = Horsea
0075 = Seadra
0076 = Goldeen
0077 = Seaking
0078 = Staryu
0079 = Starmie
007A = Mr. Mime
007B = Scyther
007C = Jynx
007D = Electabuzz
007E = Magmar
007F = Pinsir
0080 = Tauros
0081 = Magikarp
0083 = Lapras
0082 = Gyrados
0084 = Ditto
0085 = Eevee
0086 = Vaporeon
0087 = Jolteon
0088 = Flareon
0089 = Porygon
008A = Omanyte
008B = Omastar
008C = Kabuto
008D = Kabutops
008E = Aerodacty
008F = Snorlax
0090 = Articuno
0091 = Zapdos
0092 = Moltres
0093 = Dratini
0094 = Dragonair
0095 = Dragonite
0096 = Mewtwo
0098 = Chikorita
0097 = Mew
0099 = Bayleef
009A = Meganium
009B = Cyndaquil
009C = Quilava
009D = Typhlosion
009E = Totodile
009F = Croconaw
00A0 = Feraligatr
00A1 = Sentret
00A2 = Furret
00A3 = Hoothoot
00A4 = Noctowl
00A5 = Ledyba
00A6 = Ledian
00A7 = Spinarak
00A8 = Ariados
00A9 = Crobat
00AA = Chinchou
00AB = Lanturn
00AC = Pichu
00AD = Cleffa
00AE = Igglybuff
00AF = Togepi
00B0 = Togetic
00B1 = Natu
00B2 = Xatu
00B3 = Mareep
00B4 = Flaaffy
00B5 = Ampharos
00B6 = Bellossom
00B7 = Marill
00B8 = Azumarill
00B9 = Sudowoodo
00BA = Politoed
00BB = Hoppip
00CB = Skiploom
00C8 = Misdreavus
00C9 = Unown
00CA = Wobbuffet
00CB = Girafarig
00CC = Pineco
00CD = Forretress
00CE = Dunsparce
00CF = Gligar
00D0 = Steelix
00D1 = Snubbull
00D2 = Granbull
00D3 = Qwilfish
00D4 = Scizor
00D5 = Shuckle
00D6 = Heracross
00D7 = Sneasel
00D8 = Teddiursa
00D9 = Ursaring
00DA = Slugma
00DB = Magcargo
00DC = Swinub
00DD = Piloswine
00DE = Corsola
00DF = Remoraid
00E0 = Octillery
00E1 = Delibird
00E2 = Mantine
00E3 = Skarmory
00E4 = Houndour
00E5 = Houndoom
00E6 = Kingdra
00E7 = Phanpy
00E8 = Donphan
00E9 = Porygon2
00EA = Stantler
00EB = Smeargle
00EC = Tyrogue
00ED = Hitmontop
00EE = Smoochum
00EF = Elekid
00F0 = Magby
00F1 = Miltank
00F2 = Blissey
00F3 = Raikou
00F4 = Entai
00F5 = Suicune
00F6 = Larvitar
00F7 = Pupitar
00F8 = Tyranitar
00F9 = Lugia
00FA = Ho-oh
00FB = Celebi
0115 = Treecko
0116 = Grovyle
0117 = Sceptile
0118 = Torchic
0119 = Combusken
011A = Blaziken
011B = Mudkip
011C = Marshtomp
011D = Swampert
011E = Poochyena
011F = Mightyena
0120 = Zigzagoon
0121 = Linoone
0122 = Wurmple
0132 = Silcoon
0124 = Beautifly
0125 = Cascoon
0126 = Dustox
0127 = Lotad
0128 = Lombre
0129 = Ludicolo
012A = Seedot
012B = Nuzleaf
012C = Shiftry
012D = Nincada
012E = Ninjask
012F = Shedinja
0130 = Taillow
0131 = Swellow
0132 = Shroomish
0133 = Breloom
0134 = Spinda
0135 = Wingull
0136 = Pelipper
0137 = Surskit
0138 = Masquerain
0139 = Wailmer
013A = Wailord
013B = Skitty
013C = Delcatty
013D = Kecleon
013E = Baltoy
013F = Claydol
0140 = Nosepass
0141 = Torkoal
0142 = Sableye
0143 = Barboach
0144 = Whiscash
0145 = Luvdisc
0146 = Corphish
0147 = Crawdaunt
0148 = Feebas
0149 = Milotic
014A = Carvanha
014B = Sharpedo
014C = Trapinch
014D = Vibrava
014E = Flygon
014F = Makuhita
0150 = Hariyama
0151 = Electrike
0152 = Manectric
0153 = Numel
0154 = Camerupt
0155 = Spheal
0156 = Sealeo
0157 = Walrein
0158 = Cacnea
0159 = Cacturne
015A = Snorunt
015B = Glalie
015C = Lunatone
015D = Solrock
015E = Azurill
015F = Spoink
0160 = Grumpig
0161 = Plusle
0162 = Minun
0163 = Mawile
0164 = Meditite
0165 = Medicham
0166 = Swablu
0167 = Altaria
0168 = Wynaut
0169 = Duskull
016A = Dusclops
016B = Roselia
016C = Slakoth
016D = Vigoroth
016E = Slaking
016F = Gulpin
0170 = Swalot
0171 = Tropius
0172 = Whismur
0173 = Loudred
0174 = Exploud
0175 = Clamperl
0176 = Huntail
0177 = Gorebyss
0178 = Absol
0179 = Shuppet
017A = Banette
017B = Seviper
017C = Zangoose
017D = Relicanth
017E = Aron
017F = Lairon
0180 = Aggron
0181 = Castform
0182 = Volbeat
0183 = Illumise
0184 = Lileep
0185 = Cradily
0186 = Anorith
0187 = Armaldo
0188 = Ralts
0189 = Kirlia
018A = Gardevoir
018B = Bagon
018C = Shelgon
018D = Salamence
018E = Beldum
018F = Metang
0190 = Metagross
0191 = Regirock
0192 = Regice
0193 = Registeel
0194 = Kyogre
0195 = Groudon
0196 = Rayquaza
0197 = Latias
0198 = Latios
0199 = Jirachi
019A = Deoxys
019B = Chimecho
00BD = Jumpluff
00BE = Aipom
00BF = Sunkern
00C0 = Sunflora
00C1 = Yanma
00C2 = Wooper
00C3 = Quagsire
00C4 = Espeon
00C5 = Umbreon
00C6 = Murkrow
00C7 = Slowking
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Pokemon Korosu Cheats ROM – Gender Modifier
Male Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- EB34F751 A96B854D
- 141BB87C 83D7018F
Female Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Pokemon Korosu Cheats Code – Better Catch Rate
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 87ACF659 707466DC
- 8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats ROM – Nature Modifier
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 + Nature code
Example for Lax:
- AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 + D593BF29 E18AAAE5
Nature codes:
- D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
- D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
- E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
- 5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
- 83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
- 35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
- A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
- 34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
- CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
- D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
- 1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
- D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
- 93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
- E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
- 56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
- E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
- A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
- 0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
- B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
- 909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
- 31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
- 9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
- D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
- 1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
- 5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky
Pokemon Korosu GBA ROM Hacks – Level Modifier
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 754ED27A 8B1BEFEE
- 56307399 25DF4466
+ Level Code
Example for Level 11:
- 754ED27A 8B1BEFEE
- 56307399 25DF4466
- 1F1785AC 433A6DC2
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Pokemon Korosu Cheats – Infinite PP
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Gameshark:
- 42023C08 6363
- 00000002 0002
Pokemon Korosu Cheats – TM & HM
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
- 82003884 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
Pokemon Korosu Cheats – Infinite Berries
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
- 82025840 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
Pokemon Korosu Cheats – Infinite Master Balls
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
- 82025840 0001
Pokemon Korosu Cheats – Infinite Items
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
- 82025840 XXXX (Replace XXXX with)
Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats ROM – Max Stats
Cheats Codes GBA ROM Code Breaker:
1st Pokemon Max stats
- 420242DA03E7
- 000000070002
2nd Pokemon Max stats
- 4202433E03E7
- 000000070002
3rd Pokemon Max stats
- 420243A203E7
- 000000070002
4th Pokemon Max stats
- 4202440603E7
- 000000070002
5th Pokemon Max stats
- 4202446A03E7
- 000000070002
6th Pokemon Max stats
- 420244CE03E7
- 000000070002
How to install Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats with Visual Boy Emulator
Following are the steps to use Pokemon Korosu Cheats GBA ROM with Visual Boy Emulator:
- Open the VBA emulator
- Select File > Open and choose the Pokemon Korosu ROM
- When the game starts, select Cheats > Cheat list from the VBA menu
- Select Gameshark
- Enter a code and select OK, then repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter all the codes you want
- Select OK again to resume the game with cheats enabled
How to install Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats with My Boy Emulator
Following are the steps to use Pokemon Korosu Cheats GBA ROM with My Boy Emulator:
- Launch the My Boy app and load your Pokémon Korosu ROM
- Tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen to open the My Boy menu
- Tap Cheats
- New Cheat
- Tap Cheat name and enter a description of the cheat
- Tap Cheat code, enter the code, then tap OK
- Three dots in the top-right corner of the screen, then tap Save
- Tap the back button on your device to resume the game with cheats enabled
GBA Cheats for Pokemon Korosu – How to Trade Pokemon
- Launch Pokémon Korosu in the My Boy Emulator and tap the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen
- Tap Link Local.
- Tap Another game.
- Select the game you want to trade with.
- When the new game launches, tap the menu icon again, then tap Switch game
- Select Pokémon Korosu to resume your game.
- You can now go to a Pokémon Center to initiate trading, then switch back to the other game to complete the process.
Now you may download the Pokemon Korosu ROM for free
By click following below link you can get Pokemon Korosu GBA Cheats ROM
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Also Ask People
In this section, you will find the answers of those questions which are frequently asked by Pokémon gamers.
Which Pokemon ROM hack for GBA is the best?
Pokemon GS Chronicles is widely regarded as one of the best Pokemon GBA ROM hacks available. This version is simply a more in-depth edition of the original adventures with intriguing new features, based on Gold and Silver.
Are Pokemon ROM hacks available for free?
In 2021, one of the best Pokémon ROM hacks you can play for free is Pokémon Turquoise Version. The popular hack allows you to travel to Florem, a brand new territory where you may meet new creatures like Litscorp.
What is the best way to play ROM hacks?
Download the appropriate patch for the hack you want to try. These patches are available in.bps,.xdelta,.ups, and.ips formats.
Download the game’s ROM that needs to be patched.
Using a patching tool, repair the ROM.
In the emulator of your choosing, open the patched ROM.
What is the best Pokemon game in GBA?
Pokemon Emerald has an excellent Pokemon collection, a more engaging storyline than many of the GBA games, a lot of fun stuff to do, secret bases, a reasonably difficult champion, and possibly the best Battle Frontier of any Pokemon game ever, thus I definitely suggest it.
Which Pokemon ROM hack has the greatest number of regions?
It’s a FireRed hack that spans four regions: Johto, Kanto, the Orange-Alola Islands, and Hoenn. There are almost 800 pokemon in this ROM, including Alola, Mega Evolution, and others. It also features several new things, such as an iPad, an IV watch, and a ghost buster.