7 Tips to Make Your Employees More Tech-Savvy
You can see the impact technology has on the world. There was a time when simple activities like sending a message or talking to a distant relative were a massive hassle, but now that is no longer the case. Even businesses benefitted immensely from this advancement. It became possible for large and small organizations to automate tasks, use predictive learning to analyze trends, utilize big data to connect more with their consumers, and introduce remote working.
The US proudly boasts the biggest technological industry in the world, which is roughly worth $1.8 million. So, as a business owner, you must understand the value and importance of technology. Unfortunately, if your employees are still using old-school methods to get the job done, they need training and upskilling. Here are some ways you can make them more tech-savvy:
- Encourage Your Employees to Learn
Anyone can learn technical skills at any point in their lives. You can always encourage your employees to pick up this knowledge, whether young or old. Coding, programming language, AI, and machine learning are trending topics. Your employees can immensely benefit from learning Python, JavaScript, Go, Swift, and PHP.
So, if you want your employees to sharpen their tech skills, encourage them to enroll in a coding bootcamp and support them to become more tech-oriented. You can also conduct tech-based training classes and arrange seminars and workshops that allow your employees to become more tech-savvy on the job. Until you provide your workers with a starting point, they will struggle to take the first step into becoming skillful employees.
- Introduce Tech Devices into Your Company
Your employees need to get comfortable with the idea of technology. The easiest way to do that is to introduce them to these gadgets. Start small; let them physically interact with tools like iPads, tablets, and virtual reality devices. You can shift some business operations to these tools, pushing them to use these devices more. For instance, ask your employees to digitally record every time they make a sale on your company’s database.
A simple task like this will allow them to create databases instead of manually keeping records. From there, you can start incorporating resources like accounting, time tracking, and project management software. Alternatively, encourage them to meet clients virtually rather than in person. As a result, your employees will become more familiar with online meetings.
- Visit Digital Security Practices
As beneficial technology is, it can easily become dangerous for your company if you’re not careful enough. There’s always a chance of data breach, identity theft, and hacking if you don’t have the necessary security protocols. Teaching your employees good digital security practices is part of making them tech-savvy.
You must show your workforce how to stay safe online by protecting their data, such as using stronger passwords, recognizing a phishing attempt, and utilizing two-factor user authentication. While remote working, emphasize the importance of using a VPN, especially when using public Wi-Fi.
It’s important to emphasize that nobody is immune to cybersecurity breaches. Even tech-savvy business people like Hari Ravichandran can experience identity theft online, something that led him to start his own cybersecurity company later.
You can go a step further and hire a cybersecurity officer who can practically demonstrate what a cyberattack looks like. This step will further help your employees understand the importance of digital security.
- Ask Your Employees to Use Technology at Home
Don’t limit tech usage to work alone; encourage your employees to become more tech-savvy at home, too. You can test this out by asking your employees to create a virtual project from home, give them access to online resources they can learn at home, and carry out small review sessions online so they can become familiar with the technology.
Exposure will make your employees more confident and faster at their jobs. The more they start using digital tools at home, the more efficient they’ll become at work.
- Allow Your Employees to Be Creative
Let your workers experiment and develop innovative ways to submit their work. When your employees become comfortable with using technology, you will notice them branching out. As a result, they may feel tempted to try out new features, functions, and tools that can allow them to create unique and modernized project proposals. In all these cases, don’t stop them. Even if they use completely new software you’re unfamiliar with, as long as it gets the work done, don’t discourage your employees from using it.
Whether your employees want to make 3D models, 4D graphs, or create animated presentations, let them experiment. This experimentation will allow them to explore different avenues of technology, ultimately boosting your company’s standing. Creative freedom gives your employees the space to learn. When employees nurture their talent, it will reflect in their work. Down the line, they may introduce better products, innovate their services, and help build your company’s image.
- Discuss the Benefits
Tell your employees how the world is transforming due to tech. You may need to talk about how big data, AI, and machine learning have taken over completely. For instance, you can demonstrate how industries like the healthcare sector now use tech-based solutions. Hospitals are using AI to analyze medical images, diagnose diseases, and create more effective treatment routes instead of relying on traditional medicine.
Furthermore, show your employees facts and figures that motivate them to become more tech-oriented. You can discuss how it impacts the return on investment, streamlines workflow, reduces redundant tasks and boosts profitability.
Automizing tasks also eliminates the need for your employees to stay late at work and review files. Analytical software also reduces errors and produces accurate reports. Until your employees are unaware of how they can benefit from adapting to tech-based solutions, they will be unwilling to learn. You can also use personal examples like how your employees can use tools like Zoom to talk to their children if they live far away.
- Exercise Patience
As eager as you may be to shift to a tech-based model entirely, understand change takes time. Your employees will need their space to learn about technology. Everyone is different; some pick up new concepts immediately, while others need more time. In any case, don’t rush the process. Understand that they will make mistakes along the way, find adjusting to specific technical tools hard, and need longer to learn.
In all these cases, don’t discourage your workers, but arrange extra classes, guide them to better online resources, and stay updated on their progress. Ultimately, your employees will flourish and become tech-savvy before you know it.
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For companies worldwide, becoming tech-oriented has become increasingly important. But they can only achieve this by educating and training their employees to learn this vital skill. Becoming tech-savvy takes time. You must start from scratch and teach your workers the basics before you move on to more advanced concepts. However, by investing time and resources and motivating your employees, they will catch on quickly. Give them a chance to learn, explore, and channel their creativity.