Coup Rules – Assassin Board Game Rules [Ultimate Guide]
Coup is a card board game based on the idea of influence manipulation and destruction. In this guide you will find the coup rules and also the setup of this card game. This board game plays out like a traditional card game. We’ll cover all you need to know about playing Coup, including setup, gameplay rules, and strategy. The game is won by the last man remaining!
You must need to know the basic rules of coup when you want to play it. Basically, the player on the left goes first. Each player takes a turn, and every turn consists of one action. There are three basic actions: Taking income (in other words, stealing a coin), and proving the opponent is uncharacteristic. Once the person has taken the coin, they cannot challenge or block it.
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Table of Contents
About Coup Game
As we told you coup is a card board game. The Coup card game can have up to 10 players. The deck of cards increases as the number of players increases. Each player receives two Influences, each of which contains a different character. In this game when a player loses all their influence, they must reveal their face-down cards. These cards remain visible to all other players. The player who loses all his influence is eliminated. However, this game is a lot of fun.
Number of players required | 2 – 6 players |
Who Can Play It | Recommended ages are 13+ |
Difficulty | Medium-Hard difficulty |
Length of Play | 15 – 45 minutes |
The Coup game has a few distinct parts. Bluffing is a major part of the game. In order to be successful, you must not reveal your cards to anyone else. During the first few rounds of the game, you must remain as bluff as possible to avoid getting the other player to cheat. If you’re an inquisitor, you should lead the first card. While this isn’t a rule in the other games, it’s a good place to start if you’re an ambassador or a director.
The Coup game is a popular card game based on character cards. You need 3-6 players to play it. The dealer must shuffle the character cards. Each player gets 2 cards, one face-up. Each of these influence-cards has special abilities that can be used to help the other players. Once the player has their cards, they may look at them to see which ones they should play. The Coup game is a great game for any type of party.
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What Is The Object Of The Coup Game
Following are the main objects of the coup.
- A player’s influence on the court is represented by the facedown cards in front of them. The characters printed on the backs of their face-down cards represent the characters that each player influences, as well as their powers.
- When a player loses an influence, they must flip over one of their face down cards and expose it. Revealed cards remain face up in front of the player, accessible to everyone, and no longer have any influence.
- When a player loses an influence, they must always choose which of their own cards to reveal.
- When a player loses all of their power, they are banished from the game.
Coup Rules & Game Setup
The first thing you need to know about this game is its setup. In this section, we describe everything you need to do to play that card game.
List Of Setup Steps
1 Step: Shuffle the character cards and deal two facedown to each player. To play a game of Coup, gather 3-6 individuals and determine who will also be the dealer. Shuffle the deck of character cards thoroughly before dealing out two cards to each player facedown.
- The Duke, the Assassin, the Captain, the Ambassador, and the Contessa are the five influence cards in Coup. Each card has its own unique abilities, and the deck contains two copies of each.
- During the game, the dealer can both play and deal cards.
- When each player receives their cards, they are free to examine them.
2 Step: Distribute two coins to each player. Place the coins in the middle of the table to act as the game’s treasury. Allow everyone to choose up to two pennies to add to their personal riches once they’ve received their character cards.
3 Step: Always keep your cards hidden and your coins visible. Bluffing is an important aspect of the game of Coup. As a result, it’s critical that you always keep your two character cards facedown and hidden. Keep your coins close to you on the table so that other players can see how many you have.
- There are actions you must perform if you have a particular number of coins, so you can’t hide them from other players.
4 Step: Give each player a summary card to use as a reference. The game includes summary cards with a brief description of the rules and character actions. Give one to each participant to keep track of the rules and what’s going on, particularly if they’re new to the game.
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(How To Play) What Is The Best Way To Play Coup
In this part of the coup game article, you’ll learn how to play the game. Also you know which things are important to play coup.
Things You Should Know [Component]
The following components are necessary for playing the coup card game
- 3 Duke Cards
- 3 Assassin Cards
- 3 Captain Cards
- 3 Ambassador Cards
- 3 Contessa Cards
- 6 summary cards
- 50 coins
Now you see the process how play.
Action In Coup Game
Here is the action Steps of coup during playing it.
Step1: Begin by doing one action with the player to the left of the dealer. The game of Coup is played clockwise around the table. Allow the person on the dealer’s left to begin the game by selecting an action. During their turn, each player is allowed to take one action.
- Bluffing is an important part of Coup. You can bluff and choose a special character action because the other players don’t know the character cards you hold. But be cautious! It’s possible that another player will call your bluff and challenge you, costing you one of your character cards.
Step2: Select income to withdraw one coin from the bank. The income action is the safest option because none of the other characters can stop it. To choose the income action, take 1 coin from the Treasury and place it in your personal coin pile.
- After you’ve completed your turn, the game goes to the person to your left.
Step3: To get 2 coins from the Treasury, choose foreign aid. Foreign aid is a little riskier than income since a player with the Duke character card can block it. Choose the foreign aid action and add 2 coins from the Treasury to your own pile if you wish to take a chance.
- After you’ve decided on foreign aid, you’ll have to wait to see if anyone else wants to contest it. If they don’t, you’re free to depart.
- If the Duke stops you, you will not receive any cash for that turn.
Step4: Pay 7 coins to seize a player’s influence card and pick a coup. To start a coup against an opponent, choose an opponent and pay 7 coins. Your opponent will be obliged to turn face up one of their influence cards, removing it from the game.
- A player is eliminated from the game when both of their cards are eliminated.
- You must choose the coup action if you have 10 or more coins.
Step5: Play taxes and take 3 coins if you have the Duke. If you have the Duke character card (or if you’re bluffing that you do) you can choose the taxation action. You can now take three coins from the Treasury.
- Remember that if you are challenged, you may lose a card.
Step6: If you have the Assassin, you must pay 3 coins to remove a card from another player. You can use the Assassin character card to target an opponent and remove one of their influence cards for the rest of the game. Choose an objective by adding 3 coins to the Treasury.
- Only the Assassin character card has the ability to eliminate the cards of other players.
Step7: If you have the Captain, steal 2 coins from another player. If you have the Captain card or are bluffing that you do, use the steal option. Choose one of your opponents and take two of their coins to add to your own pile.
- The Captain card allows only one player to steal.
Step8: If you hold the Ambassador, draw two cards and swap them with your own. You can use the Ambassador card to potentially replace your influence cards. Pick two cards from the top of the deck and perform the action. Examine them and determine whether you wish to replace your present cards with them. You can keep one or both of the cards and discard the others at the bottom of the deck.
- If the cards you choose from the deck aren’t what you desire, you can keep your present cards.
- If you have the Ambassador card, you can only swap your influence cards.
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Challenges And Counteraction
In this part of the article you will learn about challenges and countermeasures by other players. Here is a complete list mentioned below
- Character influence can be used to challenge any action or counteraction.
- Any other player, whether or not they are participating in the action, can issue a challenge to a player.
- Other players must be given the opportunity to challenge an action or counteraction once it has been proclaimed. Challenges cannot be issued retroactively once the game has begun.
- If a player is challenged, they must show that the relevant character is one of their face-down cards to indicate they possessed the required influence. They lose the challenge if they can’t or don’t want to prove it. If they succeed, the challenger is defeated.
- Whoever loses the challenge loses their influence immediately.
- If a player wins a challenge by displaying the relevant character card, they must return that card to the court deck, reshuffle it, and replace it with a random replacement card.
- (This way, they don’t lose influence and other players are unaware of their new influence card.) The action or retaliation is then handled.
- If a challenge is successful, the entire action fails, and any coins spent as the action’s cost are refunded to the player.
Losing a Challenge: If a player loses a Challenge, they must reveal one of their Influence cards to the rest of the table. They’re out of the game if that’s their last Influence card.
Losing Influence: When a player loses an Influence card, they get to pick which of their cards they want to reveal.
Rules Of 2 players In Coup
Following selection of the 5 characters, the rules remain the same with the following setup changes:
- Divide the cards into three heaps, with one of each character in each pile.
- After shuffling one of these piles, deal a character card from that pile face down to each player, and put the other three cards in the middle to form the court.
- After everyone has glanced through their cards, they can each choose another character from the remaining pile. Each pile’s remaining four cards are discarded.
- Players now have a choice of two starter characters with which to begin their adventure.
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End Game – Who Is Winner Coup
The game is won when there is only one player remaining with unrevealed character(s) in front of him/her.
People Also Ask
In this Section, you’ll find answers of those questions which are frequently asked by gamers.
In Coup, how much coins can you have?
Each player begins with two coins and two influence – that is, two face-down character cards; the fifteen-card deck contains three copies of five different characters, each with their own set of abilities: Duke: From the treasury, take three coins. Make it impossible for someone to get foreign aid.
Is it necessary to display your coins in Coup?
The money of each player must be visible. As the Treasury, place the remaining coins in the centre of the play field. Give each player one summary card. This is purely for informational purposes.
What is included in Coup Reformation?
10 Allegiance Cards.
1 Treasury Reserve Card.
15 character cards (2 each of Duke, Assassin, Captain, Ambassador, Contessa and 5 of the Inquisitor)
10 summary cards.
Who is capable of posing a challenge in Coup?
Regarding the Coup Challenge Rul
TLDR: Any player can ‘challenge’ any action or counteraction ONCE per action or counteraction. (With the exception of a 1 coin basic income and/or a ‘foreign aid’ effort, which may only be blocked by any player who claims a Duke.) You can’t stop yourself from getting foreign help by claiming to be a duke, lol).
Can a Duke block a Duke Coup?
The duke has the ability to withdraw three coins from the treasury. This activity is unstoppable.